Staying Safe from Corona Virus\ Social Distancing\ Working from Home
Today we are going to discuss about
something really important and that is corona virus, social distancing and
staying safe. I guess it’s really important to talk about this right now
because this shit is growing so badly, every single day we get to know the
increased number of people infected with corona virus, the death rates are
increasing day by day, it has totally created a panicking situation everywhere.
It all started from china and slowly started spreading every corner of the
world. We already know the that every single day new cases of people infected
with corona virus pops up and at this situation it’s really really important to
be careful and hygienic.
Cause as we say that precaution is better than cure!
I really feel bad for those people who are infected now and
those who lost their lives. Many people might be taking this thing quiet
lightly, but just think, NBA, IPL,
Schools, offices and almost everything is being cancelled and closed
because of this thing, so it ain’t a joke for real.
Just be careful wherever you go , we never know when we can
get encountered with a person having corona, so it's always better to keep a
hand sanitizer with you and wear a mask (that’s more important). You know at this time we all gotta work together and fight
together against it and the best thing we can do to eradicate this disease is
by social distancing, I know it sounds hard, but this is the best way to avoid getting
infected and actually bring the rate of new cases to almost zero.
It’s kinda hard being at home all the time and eventually
doing nothing. But here are some of the things you can do being at home like :-
1. Learn a new language.
2. Workout (try achieving your dream body)
3. Spend time with your family members.
4. Draw/paint/engaging yourself in doing artsy stuff
Well the list goes on, do something productive now so you don't regret afterwards that you couldn't utilize your time wisely.
Now enough discussing about, what you can do at free time, it's time to know the symptoms of corona virus and what do we need to do if we find those symptoms in us.
Symptoms :-

Precaution :-
It’s always better to keep
distance from people, avoid hand shaking, any kind of gatherings, going to
crowded places, chances of being infected with the virus are high in these
places. Isn’t it amazing being at
home and enjoying solitariness? Haha I guess definitely not for those who loves going out!, I can feel you buddy but just few
more weeks to go, and I hope everything will be fine by then!
To be honest, I’m scared too, I freaked
out when I got to know that more than 3000 people died in Itly, that’s more
than china actually.
So please It’s a difficult time
for all of us but we all have to work together right? So play your role to control
the corona virus by social distancing and staying safe! and I'm pretty much sure
that we got this! and definitely gonna win this fight against this virus!
So stay safe, be healthy, have
good food, avoid junk food until it all gets cleared right. We can hope for the best and can save others as well as ourselves from getting infected by staying at home.
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